Dangerous Goods Ordinance

What is a dangerous goods regulation?

Dangerous goods regulations regulate and secure the transportation of dangerous goods on all transport routes. The various dangerous goods regulations describe what must be observed when transporting goods. The aim is to protect people and nature from the potential dangers of certain goods by preventing damage to these goods.

These ordinances regulate

  • The correct packaging of hazardous goods
  • The correct labeling of goods
  • Proper documentation
  • The correct transportation of goods

The correct storage of dangerous goods is also prescribed in the dangerous goods regulations.

What dangerous goods regulations are there?

There are separate dangerous goods regulations for each mode of transport. Different regulations may also apply to national and international transportation.

The GGVSEB, the Dangerous Goods Ordinance for Road, Rail and Inland Waterways, applies on German roads, railroads and inland waterways. For international transportation, the DGR (IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations) apply for air freight and the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) for sea freight.


Dangerous Goods Ordinance

Image: pluie_r / Shutterstock

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