Article description

Article description: The short description for individual articles

Errors in order picking not only delay subsequent processes, but also increase the storage cost rate. With the help of a warehouse management system, order is created that enables more efficient work. The item description has the task of clearly naming stock items or establishing common abbreviations.

The aim of the item description is to clearly indicate to the warehouse employee what the item is. Due to their compactness, shortcuts are often chosen to facilitate picking of the most important stored goods. The article designation is then printed on pallets or containers, for example.

Important: As part of the item master data, which represents the item-specific data in merchandise management or warehouse management systems, the item description has a more precise function. It is just as important as the article number, the weight, the part number, the volume or information on the packaging unit.


Article description

Image: pluie_r / Shutterstock

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