Resource management

What is resource management?

Resource management helps to ensure that a project is implemented on time and that resources can be used efficiently, effectively and economically. Resources need to be carefully managed as they are an expense for any company. Alongside time and change management, resource management is one of the main functions of a project. Special tools can be used to monitor the tasks, time and budget during a project.

What counts as resources?

Resources can be understood as everything that is required for the execution of a task in order to achieve a desired result and successfully complete a project, on the one hand the required personnel, such as internal and external employees, and on the other hand material resources, such as machines, equipment, premises or vehicles. When it comes to personnel resources, the focus should be on employee utilization, as capacities can shift due to vacations, sick days and buffer times. There may also be shortfalls in material resources that have to be compensated for elsewhere.


Logistik Lexikon Ress

Image: Radachynski Serhii / Shutterstock

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