Parts list

If a product is to be assembled from several parts, a parts list is required beforehand. The individual assemblies and individual parts such as washers, screws etc. are then summarized in the list. The parts list is an important basis for work in various departments, e.g. production, purchasing, warehouse and quality assurance. The advantages of parts lists are error-free processes, fewer resources required and improved quality.

As a rule, a parts list consists of the following components:

  • Part number
  • Required number / quantity
  • Hierarchical order of the parts in relation to each other
  • Structure among each other

The following lists are among the most frequently used parts lists:

  • Quantity bill of materials:

Simplest form of a parts list, product components are listed indefinitely

  • Structure parts list:

Quantities and materials are listed by production stage

  • Modular parts list:

The parts list is reduced to one level and the assemblies are outsourced to separate parts lists

  • Variant parts list:

Several parts lists combined in one document


Logistik Lexikon Stückliste

Image: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

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