Interim storage

What exactly is an interim storage facility?

A temporary storage facility is a specific type of warehouse that is primarily used in production logistics. In multi-stage production, unfinished products, also known as semi-finished products, are stored here at short notice.

If the parts are then needed for a subsequent production step, they can be removed again. Intermediate storage therefore serves as an important link and also as a buffer between the various stages of production.

When is temporary storage required?

Operating an interim storage facility is not essential for every manufacturing company. It is particularly important when a product goes through several production stages before it is finished.

If the production capacities of the different stages are not properly coordinated, demand and supply can be disrupted.

For example:

The output of one production stage is greater than the demand of the following stage. Here, surplus semi-finished products have to be temporarily stored in a temporary warehouse until they are needed.

Advantages of an interim storage facility

Companies that produce or trade goods in high volumes in particular benefit from such storage facilities:

  • Simplified inventory control through central storage of individual primary or semi-finished products
  • Lower transportation costs due to smaller distribution of storage areas
  • More efficient flow of goods thanks to shorter delivery times

However, temporary storage is also used for goods that still have to go through a maturing process. These include cheese and wine, for example.

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proLogistik Holding GmbH Fallgatter 1 Germany - 44369 Dortmund +49 (0) 231 5194-0 +49 (0) 231 5194-4900