Hand bearing

Hand bearing

Many individual parts, whether tools, auxiliary or operating equipment, are constantly needed for the production or manufacturing process. They are typically stored in a manual warehouse, which is characterized by the fact that it makes frequently requested materials quickly available. One example is screws, nails and the like in a craft business. They are neither counted nor is their removal documented, as this is not expedient and the effort involved would be disproportionate.

The advantages of a manual bearing

The essential aspect of a manual warehouse is that frequently required materials are permanently, quickly and easily available. The construction and maintenance costs are very low. In accordance with the self-service principle, there is no documentation or similar, only the availability of a sufficient quantity must be regularly checked and ensured. In addition, a manual bearing takes up very little space and requires no training to use.

The disadvantages of a hand bearing

Due to the principle of a manual bearing, which is primarily limited to small, typically used materials, only a manageable variety of materials can be implemented. There is also a risk that material bottlenecks may arise in some cases due to the lack of regular inspections - production processes may be disrupted in some cases due to the lack of relatively simple operating resources.


Logistik-Lexikon Handlager

Image: panuwat phimpha / Shutterstock

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